Animal Movement Yoga
I have created a blabberize video as part of an enhancement to my teaching of a yoga unit for first and second grade students. The video tells the student about how yoga will help their body and how we will use yoga movements. It would serve as an introduction to movements in yoga that relate to animals. Hence, the viewer sees use of the orangutan in the picture. At a future date, I hope to give it a try and show it via the Apple tv. I found the picture of the orangutan with arms in, a free website. there is difficulty in the embedding process. I did try to embed the blabberize piece. However when the viewer clicks on the area where the piece should show up, all that shows up is a blue screen. So I created a link for all to view.
Please click on the link above to view.
Very nice use of Blabberize! You did a great job with the orangutan's mouth considering it was your first one. This should definetly grab your students' attention.