Sunday, November 8, 2015



    This wordle page I have created is displaying vocabulary which the student will  hear during the jump rope unit, specifically grades 3 & 4. Some of the words describe different ways of jumping, other words are titles to jump rope rhymes. I came up with two ways in which I could use this as a
learning tool. One way would be to do a word find as group game.  For example,  I could give them the clue, such as: Jumping with two feet side to side is called the_______ jump.  Answer: skier. The group would be awarded a point for the correct answer.
Also, on an individual basis, as a post jump rope unit activity, I could give a similar question aswer without points. Instead, the individual who answers first correctly would get to demonstrate that jump or jump rope rhyme to the class.

1 comment:

  1. Lots of ideas for Wordle, which is great. What did you think of the ease of the tool? Did you find it easy? Difficult? Would you see it as something the kids could use?
